Sunday, June 13, 2010

And We're Back.

So much for life in these United States. We've gone back to Egypt.
Now I'm back to SAHM'ing overseas. Whatever. It's not as bitter
a pill to swallow since our apartment is only a block from the beach.
RIGHT ON! But since my kids missed their exams, we are doing
the kick ass study schedule and really cramming 2 semesters of
school into the next 5 weeks before they take their exams. I managed
to get Aiman and Hamo set up to take both semesters testing our
first week back. But due to a combination or teenage angst and 11-yr
old teasing, Hamo fractured his right hand by punching Ismail in the
head and ended up in a cast. So he failed 4 subjects by not completing
the test. I guess it's hard to write with your left hand. Fine. He's got
more time to study this way for the make up tests and now that the
cast is off....he should do fine.

Randa is having a miserable time of readjusting. She is depressed and
last night melted down complete with shouting for a taxi from the
balcony and insisting I pack the suitcases so we can go back to
"the Dallas." I keep telling her that "the Dallas" is over. And welcome
to the Alexandria. It's just going to take some time. But she'll acclimate,
God willing.

So we're back in the Land of the Pharoahs, Egyptian Cotton sheets,
and streets with no lines painted on them because, really, no one pays
attention to them anyway! Pinzon 400-Thread-Count 100% Egyptian Cotton Hemstitch Queen Sheet Set, Chestnut Good news is
Mohamed is working and we're all doing well. Hopefully, I'll be back to
a regular sort of blog schedule and keep everyone apprised of our mayhem
and teen-induced bouts of crazy. Thanks for all the prayers and Facebook
notes and the abyss of email I've yet to answer. More as it happens...I