Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Will Never Be Bulemic

Hi. Yeah, I'm a little nervous. Okay, a LOT nervous. If it weren't
for the fact that I never lose weight EVER no matter what, I'd
be wearing a size 6 by now from the nerve-induced diarrhea.
But you know, it's not a  normal person we're talking about here.
It's me. I've got to do something that I absolutely DO NOT
want to do. I have to suck it up and once again, take one for
the team. I hate this. If I had a choice... well, I guess I always
have a choice. I guess it would be more appropriate to say, if
I had a BETTER choice, I'd not do this. But I don't. I have
five others that I have to consider with far more scrutiny than
if my choice only affected me. So, yeah, I'm nervous and edgy
and poopy.....very, very, poopy. And NOT in a good weight-
loss resulting kind of way. So, I get to be the perpetually
pooping, fat, sacrificial kinda guy today. And I'm not happy
about it.
Motherhood and responsibility really suck it today.Ask Me About My Explosive Diarrhea Funny Womens Babydoll tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XL


  1. Booooooooooooo.
    I have a hard time losing weight too, and then I get a good endocrine doc, start losing weight and THEN my meds change, get discontinued or I move and have a damn doctor tell me he knows my body and my endocrine system better than me and that I don't need an endocrinologist.

    Makes me want to go to med school just so I can tell these docs to kiss my butt.

